This is a cave formed about 200 million years ago, which has a 145-foot high underground waterfall located in Tennessee. You need to get in an elevator to get down earth (300 m), and then you go through a small passageway which is about 18 inches high and four feet wide. Exploring this opening, a man named Lambert discovered the formerly hidden Ruby Falls Cave and its waterfall. On his next trip to visit the cave, Lambert took his wife Ruby, and told her that he would name the falls after her, this is the reason of its name "Ruby Falls".


H. ha dicho que…

Que la pases muy bien y que tengas súper buen día, hoy el 20, en tu día.

Espero que juntemos tan pronto para celebrar tu cumple.

July ha dicho que…
Hola Hyun, tambien espero que nos reunamos pronto! ya Paty te dirá cuando, ojalá puedas unirte a nosotras :)

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