Well, this is the fifth day I've been receiving my course on self-esteem, which Sergio Larios is giving on-line. This course is great and is helping me a lot, so that I see that I need improvement in so many ways..... 

It has taught me that my inner child might be broken and needs some repairs in order to be whom I was meant to be.

Well, today, I am gonna dreamdream big, and visualize what I would have liked to my life to be, so this is it:

I close my eyes and I can see a smiling July Julie, with a sparkle in her eyes.  I am blond, long hair, very white, but there is something which strikes me most of the time and it is the twinkle in my eyes.  I have never seen a Julys so happy and safe for a such a long time.

I look young, elegant, focus, and determined.  I have accomplished most of my dreams I had when I was a little girl.  I have a house of my own, full of people:  my husband, my kids, my housemaid, my mother and my father.  They all live with me.   I also have a huge garden filled with beautiful flowers, lemons, lirios, and my favorite one:  Heart of Mary.

My children look just like me, two boys and one girl.  My two boys are funny, kind, clever.  My girl is curly, looks just like me when I was a little girl.  They all are smart, very smart and kind of funny.  They like exercising, specially outdoors, my husband and I usually take them to Atitlan's lake where we have a little pharm and a yacht.   

My husband is so in love with me 😊, he treats me like his Princess, and all the time he's telling me how important I am to him.  I am so grateful to God, because I could meet him, and fate made its part, letting us one day have the same paths so he could meet.

On the other hand, I feel fulfilled and complete in my work and in my professional life.  I am a well known Pharmacist with a Master Degree in Regulatory Affairs, and a Bachelor of Legal Translation as well.  As a matter of fact, I am busy all the time, trying to fit all the characters in my life:  mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, manager , and certified translator. It's not so easy, but here I go with a great attitude towards life.

I am Yoga Teacher certified by Gaiam.  I love yoga and whenever I get the time I like to practice it at home on my balcony, where I have a great view of the city !

I am also an active member in catholic church, I love my faith, and I am educating my children in my faith, so one day they can become great catholic leaders.  For me my faith is really important, and I try my kinds to be in all church activities as possible.  We even had a trip all together to Holy Land.  For them it was such a great experience, walking at the same place where Jesus walked one day !!! 

I feel complete, happy, blessed !!! There is nothing else I could ask from life.

Thank you God for your mercy in my life.


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