Bachelor in legal translation

I am pursuing a new goal in my life, I am trying to become a Bachelor in Legal Translation.  It sounds great, but the path to become one, is going to be long and hard.  Today I missed my first class, I felt so tired and not in the mood to attend the class, so I decided to go home instead.

Hope after holy week, I recharge completely, so I can attend without no remorse at all.  Please Jesus help me to continue studying, please !

It's just that at the end of the day I am so tired, mostly when I've had such a busy day like today.... Well, on the other hand, I am so happy ☺😇🤗 I will be off next week, so I can do whatever I want.  So many plans already, I think time will slip away, and sooner than later I will be back to work.

Well I just dropped by Jesus to let you know I love You with all my ❤😇!!!!!🌈


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