My first love ❤️! My Dad

My dad was such a special and wonderful man, he was the kind of person who appreciated and loved life.  He had quite a free spirit.   

I can still listen to his voice saying to me:  my little girl is just like me, she likes to travel and go to differente places.   And today I wonder, am I really like you?  I wish I was like you 😍 there is nothing I would like better than that.

Furthermore he believed his little daughter was smart and intelligent.   He was so proud of me.   On a day like today, February 23rd, he passed away, and since then I have missed him like crazy.

I miss his jokes, his advices, his mood, his love, in a word all about him.

Daddy I know I didn't tell you this when you were alive, but I want the whole world to know that you are my heroe, my angel, I am so proud of you, and if I was born again and I had to choose one father, I undoubtedly would choose you again.

Love you daddy !!!



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