Dreams: San Antonio de Padua

Strange dreams.... again and again :)
Hello Jesus, certainly it's been a while since I haven't had this kind of dreams...
but today something strange happened, I woke up at 5 so I could go to the gym,
however when I went to the bathroom, I felt goose bumps and I was shivering,
so I said to myself, you better go back to sleep, otherwise you are going to get sick July.
So I went to bed, and I fell into a deep sleep, It was strange because by that time
I only had like an hour or less to sleep.   I remember everything was so real,
I was speaking with a child, he was like 4-5 years old, he was so sweet, he had pretty eyes,and his voice was really tender, we were talking and talking, and suddenly I realize his socks were broken, they had holes, and then the boy told me that Adan, a man who works here with me at Menarini's warehouse was the one who had picked him up, so he was living with him.   The next day the little boy visited me again,
but this time he brought a gift for me, at the beginning he did not tell me anything,
but later I saw my tv and in the front of it, there was an image, and it was the image of: San Antonio de Padua !!!
I asked the boy about it, and he told me that he had brought it for me.
Then I woke up..... remembering everything, all little details.


Pati... ha dicho que…
Para mi que un angelito fue el que te visitó y te regalo esa imágen...
July ha dicho que…
Será mi amiga ??? ya me pusiste a pensar...

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