The Day of the Three Kings

Today January 6 is the last day of Christmas, and is also the Feast of Epihany which is the day of the Three Kings (or wise men/magi): Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar.
Some Countries like Spain or Mexico celebrate this Feast and in these Countries this is a holiday also.
The history says that on this special night the Three Kings saw a bright star, on the night when Christ was born, they followed it to Belen and there they found "JESUS Child", Virgin Mary and Joseph and presented Him with gold, myrrh, and frankincense. These were the most expensive gifts to give just to Kings, not to a baby.
These Three Kings were wise men, so as soon as they saw the bright star they knew that it meant that the King of the Jews, the One who would save the world had been born.
So on this historical day, I wish you all "Happy Three Kings Feast"!
Some Countries like Spain or Mexico celebrate this Feast and in these Countries this is a holiday also.
The history says that on this special night the Three Kings saw a bright star, on the night when Christ was born, they followed it to Belen and there they found "JESUS Child", Virgin Mary and Joseph and presented Him with gold, myrrh, and frankincense. These were the most expensive gifts to give just to Kings, not to a baby.
These Three Kings were wise men, so as soon as they saw the bright star they knew that it meant that the King of the Jews, the One who would save the world had been born.
So on this historical day, I wish you all "Happy Three Kings Feast"!