More than 13 thousand days.... I've lived so far!

Recently I've been thinking that so far I've lived more than 13 thousand days... and sometimes it feels like a whole life, and sometimes I feel all this time is gone in the blink of an eye.

All is left are memories, I am able to remind some of them, like the following:
- my first day at Santa Teresita, my lifetime school;
- the day I learned to ride a bicycle;
- the days my mom used to put me on her feet and take me flying like a plane;
- the days I used to eat my "pan con frijoles";
- the day I did my "primera comunión";
- los "Chicos" concerts I attended, and I screamed so loudly;
- the breaks at school in which I used to climb my favorite tree with my best friends: Patty G, Patty E, Yoly, Ingrid and Heady;
- the fairy tales my brother used to tell me just before bedtime;
- the day my dear aunt Toyta taught me to dream awake, and be able to fly away from wherever I am;
- the day I felt so lonely when dad left home;
- the day I felt so happy and blissful, when I realized that smokes boy loved me...;
- the days I used to laugh so much with Paul Jones;
- the days I saw so many miracles happen in my life;
- the song I dedicated to you...;
- my first kiss...., and almost my first time.... jijijijij;
- the day I saw God's smile in your eyes;
- the days I fell in love, over and over again.... would it happen one more time I wonder?
- the day I dreamed with you without even meeting you;
- the day I learned from my boss that I have to be more "cabrona" than pretty...- the day I learned sirsasana and headstand;
- the day I heard from your lips "I miss you", and it was true...
- the day I graduated as a pharmacist;
- the days I was so happy being a kid again in Disney;
- the day I attended your graduation day, and you behaved like the gentleman hidden inside of you;
- my first day of work at Menarini, where I met Cristy;
- the day by chance I met a good, good friend at chat;
- the day I had to step away of your life...;
- the day I felt in heaven with his massages jijijiji;
- the day I received the most beautiful flower from your hands;
- the days at Yogi-house...;
- the days I could enjoy an evening chatting with my mom and sister;
- the days I hugged my nephews, and the hugged me back;
- the days Jesus holds me so close to his heart, that He would never let go of me;
- the days I can feel your love my holy mother, Virgin Maria (which is everyday);

And I am sure the best days are still to come..... !!!!

Yours forever, Jesus!!!


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