Mi lindísima y amadísima Virgencita del Rosario

This time I would like to write about a Guatemalan' tradition which was inculcated by my grandparents to me.
I remember that when I was a little girl my grandparents used to take me every day to mass and church.
Even now, when I close my eyes, I am able to see that little girl with her red coat, going up and down of the sit's step.
My grandparents used to live at 17 Street and 7th Avenue in Zone 1, so they could choose which church to go as there were too many there. On October, they usually went everyday to mass at Basilica de Santo Domingo, to visit my Divine Mother, Virgencita del Santo Rosario.
So now that we are on October, it comes to my mind some great memories, walking next to Papio, and then going back to lunch where Toyta waited for us and gave such great delicious food. I can also remember the food I ate at the marketplace, like torrejas, buñuelos, elote loco, etc, MMMMM!!!!!
Every year since I was a lilttle girl, I have been visiting this awesome church on October, perhaps I did it more frequently as a child, now as an adult I just go once during this month, but I pray to my Divine Mother with so much faith as never before.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Inmaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!!!