My First Love.....

It is usual for every girl to fall in love for the first time with her father. I remember that when I was a kid, I used to feel so safe and happy when I was with my Dad. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the time when I used to sit on my father's lap, I guess this moment will always be in my mind. And when I feel afraid or there is a situation which I don't know how to handle, I wish I could be "daddy's little girl" again. Even now I don't understand why he left us when I was just 9 years old, since that moment my family's life changed, I changed, my heart became untrusty to any person trying to get close to me so that I would not get hurt again... This was the first time I knew the meaning of the word "disappointment".
Although now I try to be a good daughter always giving him whatever he needs: medicine, doctors, food, etc. I know deep inside that I will never understand why some people act like that, and involuntarily hurt whom they love the most... The good thing is that throughout time I have realized God never let me alone, he gave me the best mother I could have, the bestest sister!, and great brothers, and He gave me the opportunity to reach all my goals, and most of my dreams have come true so far!!!!